This is precisely what is known technically as tasawwuf. That is the basis of success in the hereafter while its despoiling is the cause of total destruction. On reflection it will be realized that all the external deeds are designed for the reformation of the heart. These commands are as much a mandatory requirement as the ones dealing with external deeds. Similarly, in the books of hadith, along with the chapters on Ibadat, trade and commerce, marriage and divorce, are to be found the chapters on riya (showoff) takabbur, akhlaq, etc. Thus while commanding Salat and Zakat, the Qur'an also commands gratefulness and love of Allah and condemns the evil of pride and vanity. The department of the Shariah relating to external deeds like salat and zakat is called fiqh while the one dealing with the internal feelings and states of the heart is called tasawwuf.

Consequently the first group has shunned the Qur'an and Hadith while the second group has shunned tasawwuf.Īctually, although the term tasawwuf, like many other religious terms in use today, evolved later, the discipline is very much part of the Shariah. Errant Sufis as well as the superficial ulema, although on the opposite ends of the spectrum, are together in holding this mistaken notion.

Many think that it is something beyond Qur'an and Sunnah. Download from the attachments below (abridged version). Persons interested in the life histories of Auliya can read Tazkira tul Aulia.Arberry. It is a book full of wisdom, knowledge and intellect. It is an eBook of 17 MB disk size and contains more than one hundred and forty pages. Aqwal e Auliya is published by Zia ul Quran Publications Lahore. Free pdf download of this valuable book is available. These Aqwal e Auliya can truly be regarded as Aqwal e Zareen. It is a scanned copy of the original book. Aqwal e Auliya has numbering of every individual qol. Some famous saints and sufis of India and Pakistan, with their sayings also make chapters of this book.

As it has sayings of the people who have devoted their lives for Islam. Notable Muslims scholars and thinkers are remembered by the author with their aqwal.Īqwal e Auliya teaches many lessons to a person. Then the sayings of Imams of Islam are added. Their golden words are also included in this collection. The four khalifas of Islam are Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A), Hazrat Umer (R.A), Hazrat Usman (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A). Book has sayings of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his companions to start with. The book is authored by Moulana Mohammad Shareef Naqshbandi. Aqwal e Auliya contains sayings of more than sixty Islamic personalities.