Monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude
Monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude

monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude

There is nothing we need to do to earn grace. Through grace - God’s pure love, freely given. Life teems with questions: What is love? What is mind? What is life? What is existence? How do they come to be? From where do they emerge? What is this Source of all - sense of the beyond the knowledge of that which cannot be known, the wisdom of mystery, the understanding that we do not understand? What is it to truly see? To know? And so, we light candles on Christmas and Chanukah. And then that thought exploded: the epiphany of God in us.

monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude

The Divine flows through all life and shows itself in many guises. Throughout his gospel, John goes on to explain that this one who is the Logos of God was a personal entity who lived and taught among his creation.

monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude

The Greek word LOGOS, translated WORD, is used in the gospel of John as meaning "divine expression." Unlike the Greek notion of the Logos as a logical impersonal ordering force, the Apostle John declares that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14) in the man of Jesus. In Greek philosophy and theology, the Almighty ordered and gave the world form and meaning. As the Creator of the World, God was present in the beginning. Who and where is the One we need?įive hundred years before Christ came into the world, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus described what he envisioned as a universal strength which governs the universe. But God continues to be a word loaded with opinion and emotion. In this new year, in this new decade, in this new beginning, what should we do? In these times we have seen a theological change of immense proportions as we describe the Ultimate not in our traditional theological language, but in terms of human dignity and unity, charity and goodness.

monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude

A light greater than the fear of war, political disgust, fires in Australia, injustice of every making. In the Word was life, and that life was humanity’s light - a light that shines in the darkness, a light that the darkness cannot overtake. Through the Word all things came into being. “In the beginning …” You know what comes next. The Messiah arrived animating our faith and illuminating our soul - once again, only to leave many with the problem of God. Over, and but a memory is the season when the boundaries grow thin between the possible and the impossible when a single star in the night sky becomes a world’s chance to be. It is only days since the holiday lights have been extinguished and decorations put away.

Monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude